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Planar is a 2D inspection machine that allows manufacturers to simply and quickly verify product quality by performing 2D inspection, CAD comparisons & reverse engineering in seconds.

Product Overview

The system can be used very quickly measuring or reverse engineering flat parts which have been manufactured on laser, plasma and water jet cutting systems as well as punched and some stamped parts. We have been supplying the Planar system to the sheet metal industry for over fifteen years during which time we have consulted with many major manufacturers to fully understand the requirements expected from our measuring system and integrating these into the Planar.

There are Planar machines installed and operating in more than 30 countries worldwide and the list of countries is growing. Planar customers range from small job shops to multi billion dollar turnover companies covering almost every industry that uses sheet metal such as electronics & communication industries, automotive and aerospace.

Area of Interest (AOI)

The AOI option uses lights above the table to illuminate surface features, which can then by imaged and measured.

Speed & Accuracy

For speed we cannot be beaten by any other competing system. Planar can take up to 40 million measurements in 0.1 seconds. This makes our system the fastest in the world for both inspection and reverse engineering of flat parts. We also have the largest range of available models and accuracies available.


No moving parts to wear or fail. Vibration and scratch proof operation.

Available in a range of sizes and accuracies the Planar can be installed on the factory floor and is easy for shop floor staff to operate helping to cut expensive inspection bottlenecks.

With addition of the OptiScan 3D the system offers unparalleled non-contact 3D inspection capacity.



At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)