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Leveling Machines

Tradition, innovation, precision. From a sheet metal shop to hidden champion in 90 years. ARKU Meichenbau GmbH has many different facets. Learn all about our company: Who we are. What motivates us. What defines us. We are metalworking experts. Our mission since 1928: precision and innovation in metalworking. For all our customers. Worldwide. Our history: Over the last 50 years, we have grown to become the market and innovation leader for levelers. Discover our values and our mission!

Precision in the 1/100 mm range with the EcoMaster®.

Consistently excellent leveling results, especially with thin metal sheets and parts. This is essential for optimum results during subsequent processes. Our EcoMaster® series of straighteners delivers flat sheets and parts almost entirely free of internal stresses together with extensive time savings – making your production more efficient.

  • Specifically designed for thin materials: material thicknesses from 0.1 mm to 5 mm
  • Highest efficiency: leveling speed of 3 to 20 m/min
  • For a broad range of applications: punched and laser-cut parts, perforated plates, precious metal, aerospace, electrical- and watch-making industry

FlatMaster®: level results in a matter of seconds.

The FlatMaster® produces flat stamped, laser-cut and plasma-cut parts almost entirely free of internal stresses in a matter of seconds. With thicknesses from 0.5 to 60 mm. Even with high-strength parts and sheets with cut-outs We have been building parts levelers for more than 50 years. The FlatMaster® embodies our collective expertise. The straightener is ideal for leveling laser-cut, punched and plasma-cut parts and even AHSS materials.

  • From small to large: material thicknesses from 0.5 mm to 60 mm
  • Broad range of parts with maximum widths ranging from 800 mm to over 3,000 mm
  • Powerful performance: servo-hydraulic leveling gap control, hydraulic overload protection system to prevent damage to the leveler and reproducible leveling results



At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)