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(Monday - Saturday)
Jasola, New Delhi- 110025
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Spare Parts

Alternative Parts, Inc. is the manufacturer and distributor of replacement parts for Amada Machinery. The company was founded to provide you with another source of obtaining parts for your equipment. An Alternative. Since inception, we have committed ourselves to serving our growing customer base with the best quality parts at competitive prices. Our complete product line has been designed and manufactured to original OEM specifications.

All orders received for stock items are shipped the same day with next-day deliveries available to customers in emergency situations. The customers’ needs dictate our inventories. For this reason, our product line is constantly being expanded. If it is not possible to locate a particular part in our catalogue, do not hesitate to inquire as to product availability. We welcome all requests for quotations on unlisted items.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)