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Welding Tables/Positioners/ Manipulators

30 years of experience in the rationalisation of welding production processes enable us to find a solution for almost each request of our clients. Thus, a vast number of innovative, patented solutions have been developed since the Förster family business was founded. Most of our production is completed in-house, which allows us to provide fast and high-quality solutions for the specific requests of our clients. Standard welding tables for robotic welding are appropriate for small and medium quantities, in which case the application of fixed devices would serve no purpose. Using our slot system, it is possible to quickly build simple devices yourself and to bolt them for repeatability

Forster T-Slot Welding System

  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with grey cast rails, stationary 3.000 x 1.500 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with grey cast rails, stationary 3.000 x 1.200 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with grey cast rails, stationary 2.400 x 1.200 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with grey cast rails, stationary 2.000 x 1.000 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with grey cast rails, stationary 1.800 x 1.200 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with grey cast rails, stationary 1.000 x 1.200 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with Al/Cu-alloy rails, stationary 3.000 x 1.500 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with Al/Cu-alloy rails, stationary 3.000 x 1.200 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with Al/Cu-alloy rails, stationary 2.400 x 1.200 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with Al/Cu-alloy rails, stationary 2.000 x 1.000 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with Al/Cu-alloy rails, stationary 1.800 x 1.200 x 810 mm
  • 3D-Welding work table completely fitted with Al/Cu-alloy rails, stationary 1.000 x 1.200 x 810 mm


  • Ergofix 800 useful load 50 kg
  • Table surface 800 x 800 mm
  • Turn, Tilt: 45° manually
  • complete fitted with rails in Al/Cu-alloy
  • height of the table surface 690 – 990 mm Turn: 360° endless (fixing by clamping lever) hydropneumatics height adjustable with manual food pedal (pressed air connection needed)


  • Turning-tilting welding positioner with lifting
  • function max. load 300 kg (due to table surface)
  • Ø table surface: 700 mm with drilling 100 mm
  • Rotation speed: 0,2-3 RPM, tilt-angle: 0-135 °
  • adjustable height: 400-900 mm, max.
  • Centre gravity: 250 mm, max. eccentricity: 200 mm
  • motor power: 400V-AC/0,75 KW
  • working pressure hydraulic systems: >20MPa
  • ground connection: 500A



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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)